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Breastfeeding Policy

What this is about

We welcome mothers and birthing people to breastfeed and express breast milk while at the practice. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all staff at the practice understand their role and responsibilities in supporting nursing mothers, birthing people and their partners to feed and care for the baby within the building.

What we do / our activity / our practice

We are a breastfeeding and infant feeding friendly practice. Our aim is to support the needs of our patients to be family friendly.

All of our staff will support the needs and rights of mothers and birthing people to feed their babies. Parents will be treated with respect, be listened to and acknowledged. All staff will ensure that they create an environment which is supportive of parents.

We have a breastfeeding champion at the practice who has a special interest in breastfeeding, and who will be able to see you with any breastfeeding problems you have and signpost you to the most appropriate support and advice.

Babies need feeding when they ask for it. Their stomachs are very small and breast milk is digested very quickly. Breastfeeding works best when mother or birthing person and baby are both relaxed. Hungry, upset babies will generally be helped to calm down and become quiet when breastfeeding. Therefore, babies should be fed whenever they ask, even if this means in public, and no mother or birthing person should ever be made to feel uncomfortable when feeding their babies in public.

If a mother or birthing person wishes to feed her baby in private, a private space will be provided if there is one available. However, no mother or birthing person should feel obliged to feed their baby in private and if they wish to feed their baby in a public place they should be encouraged to do so.

If a visitor to the premises objects to anyone breastfeeding or expressing breast milk, they will be informed that management supports breastfeeding and expressing breast milk, and that mothers and birthing people have a legal right to breastfeed their babies anywhere. If the situation cannot be resolved readily, junior staff should refer patients/visitors to senior management.

A copy of this policy will be displayed on the practice website. Breastfeeding friendly posters will be displayed permanently in each patient waiting area.

This practice adheres to the International Marketing Code of breastmilk substitutes, and will not display materials promoting breastmilk substitutes, feeding bottles, teats or dummies.

All relevant staff will:

  • Ensure that they are familiar with the contents of this policy;
  • Make mothers and babies welcome;
  • Know how to view, read and print off the policy.

How this fits

This procedure is in line with NHS Policy to encourage the breastfeeding of infants.

How we audit this

Progress with this policy will be discussed once a year at the Practice Meeting. We will be glad to hear comments and reports of any incidents.