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Surgery clinics

To request an appointment for any of our clinics and services, please visit our appointments page.

If you have been advised to submit a review, please visit our online forms page.


If you have just found out you are pregnant you will need a booking appointment with your midwife. You can call self refer here or call MEDICOM on 01603 481222.

Child health clinics

All of our doctors are qualified to assess child development. Checks are performed by the doctors or health visitors at fixed times, up until your child starts school. You will be sent an appointment when a check becomes due or you will be contacted by the health visitor. If you are concerned in any way about your child’s health, please see the health visitor or doctor before this.

Childhood immunisation

The doctor, practice nurse or health visitor will advise you of these. We do provide the full range of vaccinations which includes triple vaccine, hib vaccine, polio, pneumococcal vaccine and MMR. You will receive a reminder card asking you to request an appointment with the practice nurse.

Minor surgery

Dr Harper carries out minor surgery procedures by appointment. All of the doctors will be happy to advise you on this. Your name will be added to the waiting list and an appointment date and time sent to you.

Diabetic clinic

Dr Hunt leads the diabetic team here. We carry out diabetic reviews at the surgery and once a month the Diabetes Facilitator Nurses from the Elsie Bertram Diabetes Centre at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital hold a clinic here.

Smoking cessation

Our Healthcare professionals here are trained to give smoking cessation advice and will be able to give you information on help and support that is available. You can also self refer to Smokefree Norfolk or call them on: 0800 0854 113.

If you have been advised by the surgery to submit a smoking review, please use our smoking review form.


Phlebotomy clinics are run from 8:30am to midday and 1pm to 2pm, Monday to Friday. If you have been issued with a blood test form either by our doctors or the hospital, you will need to bring this with you when the test is completed.

Warfarin testing

Warfarin (INR) testing is carried out at the practice. We will monitor your INR and advise you of the correct dose. Please request your test results the day after your blood test in the afternoon. We will also provide the date of your next test.

Family planning

Contraceptive care and advice are provided by all the doctors and practice nurses during normal surgery hours.

If you have been advised by the surgery to do so, please submit a contraceptive pill review form.

Influenza vaccination / pneumococcal vaccination

We recommend that patients with chronic lung, liver, kidney or heart disease, diabetes and the elderly over 65 years are offered these vaccinations. Those who may be immunosuppressed or who have undergone a splenectomy are also recommended for the vaccinations. Influenza vaccination is given annually and pneumococcal vaccine is usually given only once per lifetime and is available throughout the year.

Well person checks

If a patient aged between 16 and 75 requests an appointment but has not been seen during the preceding three years, the doctor or nurse may undertake appropriate additional examinations and tests either during the appointment or at a subsequent appointment. If a patient aged over 75 has not been seen during the preceding 12 months by a health care professional, they will be contacted by the surgery and offered an appointment for a well person check.


If you’re planning to travel outside the UK, you may need to be vaccinated against some of the serious diseases found in other parts of the world.

Firstly, you can check if your existing UK vaccinations are up-to-date by going on your online record here SystmOnline Login ( or via the Airmid app or by contacting the practice.

Secondly, the countries that you are visiting will determine the vaccinations that you require. The latest guidance from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, listed by country, is available here

You can also access the Fit for Travel and Travel Health Pro websites which have a great deal of information regarding travel and vaccines.

Unfortunately, many travel vaccines are not covered by the NHS. The following travel vaccines are available free on the NHS at Lawson Road Surgery only to patients registered here:

  • Polio
  • Typhoid
  • Hepatitis A
  • Cholera

All other vaccinations will have to be obtained elsewhere.

Local private travel clinics

If you are travelling abroad and require an NHS vaccine, please make sure you contact us in plenty of time to arrange any vaccinations that may be necessary. To help the Travel Nurses assess your travel needs it is important that they are in receipt of the travel questionnaire at least 8 weeks before your holiday departure date. One form for each person travelling. The practice will not be able to arrange vaccinations less than 8 weeks in advance, if a form is received under the 8 weeks’ notice you will be requested to contact a private clinic.